Monday, May 24, 2010

Busy times...

Yes, I know that I didn't post the tutorial as  promised last week... I'm sure you're all massively disappointed. ^^ I've been working on getting the Forms Based Authentication working... and it's being difficult... so that will wait until I do get it working.

It's going to be a hectic week... but I'm not going to bore you with the details - this post is just a news reel, with maybe another post later in the week (see? I'm learning not to make promises I can't keep ^^)

In the news:

Matter-Antimatter Bias Seen In Fermilab Collisions - results from particle collision experiments are showing that there is a small but significant difference in the type of matter created in these experiments. Now scientists need to figure out why there's more matter than anti-matter being created... all our current theories suggest they should be in perfectly equal amounts.

AMD eyefinity 6 screen setup - so cool!!! I don't care if it's got issues... i want one!

Chinese Digital Warfare - Cool article, scary, scary, scary stuff...

Military Appoints General To Direct Cyber Warfare - ... and the Yanks agree, finally stepping up their commitment to online battles.

Beaming Laser Power - an emerging technology that is essential to the further growth of the technological human race.

Agni II Launched with success in India - India's got long range, nuclear capable missiles now... oh joy.

NASA Finds Cause of Voyager 2 Glitch - they finally worked out why the little robot went buggy... and no, it wasn't the Martian teenagers screwing with us.

Scientists Implant Biofuel Cells Into Rats - living batteries... soon you'll be able to charge your cell phone by plugging it into your ear ^^

Toyota Robot Violinist Wows At Shanghai Expo - how awesome is this?!?! watch the video.

Copernicus Reburied As Hero - I guess the church is improving...

And there you have it. I hope you're still finding this blog entertaining. Please feel free to leave a comment, and tell your friends.

"The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots"
-Erich Fromm

Monday, May 17, 2010


So I finally did it... I finally missed a post. Frankly, I thought this would happen far sooner (even with the incredibly fast  and rigid update schedule that I run ^^), but even so I do owe you an apology... so... I'm sorry I missed a week... i guess ^^.

The reason that I didn't post last week was that I was at a training workshop on implementing SharePoint 2010 and was stuck in a lab without Internet access. It was pointed out to me that I have Internet access at home.... but who wants to take time out of their off-time to do something like this? ^^ (if my boss happens to be reading this, then I must stress that I do most of the research in my off-time, and I write the posts when I'm watching progress bars).

So... you guys are in for a real treat this week.... or maybe not. I'm going to do two posts, this one and another that shifts away from the geeky theme and into the nerd-realm with a tutorial on how to setup something or other in SharePoint 2010 - it'll probably be either cascading lookups in the OOTB InfoPath upload forms or content management through the Document Center... I'm sure you'll all be totally engrossed... ^^

In the news:

Israel's Value to Transhumanism - cool article... I hadn't realised that Israel were so technologically advanced... but in hindsight, it's the only way it could work.

Brain-like evolutionary bio-computer - these guys have created a biological based computer that can evolve itself to solve complex problems... sugoi!!!!

Every Tree is a Quantum Mechanic - studies into photosynthesis have shown that this natural process uses quantum tethering... cool.

NASA Planning Lunar Mining Tests, Other New Tech - the latest programs suggested by NASA

Website Sells Pubic Lice - no... it's not a typo... I only have one question.... why? For the love of all that is holy... WHY?!?!

Android Sales Surpass iPhone Sales - proof... that there is stuff cooler than an iPhone.

Thanks for stopping by, check back later in the week for that tutorial and I promise that I'll try avoid missing another update.

"ye like dags?"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Winter sucks...

... and so does having to go to work when you're sick. Winter arrived with such speed and ferocity that I didn't have time to mentally prepare myself for it's rigors. As a result I've gotten a cold/flu/bubonic plaugue (whatever it is), and I'm feeling truely pitiful.

So here's to cold morings, rainy days and an industrial sized order of tissues and hot chocolate.

In the News:

Life's Building Blocks Found On Asteroid 24 Themis - biological compunds found on an asteroid provides some evidanece for the theory that says all life on earth is infact alien.

Should Gov't Pay For Injured Man's Wii? - a man on workers compensation is trying to claim a Wii after his doctor suggested he play Wii Sports for his rehab.

MechWarrior 4 Free Release Now Available - One of the coolest games ever made (definately the best ever by Microsoft) if you can organise a joystick, download this NOW!

Beaver Dam Visible From Space - those little rodents have been busy, Damn!

Austria Converts Phone Booths To EV Chargers - what a great idea, turn those obsolete phone booths into electric car chargers.

4 Arugments Against Imortality. 4 Arguments For Imortality - this page links to two artricles, one for and one against, cool stuff.

Japan's Brainwave Initiative: Mind-Reading Bot by 2020 - these dudes are serious... i can't wait.

And there you have it... expect more when I'm well enough to have thoughts that don't revolve around either curling up in bed with my girlfriend or shooting myself.

“The pest of society are the egotist, they are dull and bright, sacred and profane, course and fine. It is a disease that like the flu falls on all constitutions.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson