Monday, August 30, 2010

Mother-nature is stronger than we thought....

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know all about BP's disaster in the gulf of mexico. Like me, you were probably wondering just how much of a natural disaster this would turn out to be. All those gallons and gallons of oil spilling into the ocean would start the scale at an Oceanic Chernobyl and end it at global apocalypse.

Then scientists discovered that a lot of that oil had simply disappeared... and after more testing concluded that some bacteria was eating it... saving the oceans, and us, from our all too human folly.

Great news, yes? I can hear the cries ringing from the corporate strongholds now, "mother-nature can look after herself! Nothing we do will matter!". Ya right.... if our planet can come up with a way to mitigate a disaster like that... how long do you think it will be before she comes up with a way to mitigate us?

I'd prefer to see this taken as a warning rather than an invitation to continue on our current, self-destructive, course.

In the News:

Richest Planetary System Discovered - we've found the most populous planetary system yet... cool stuff.

Video Adverts On the Printed Page - this is not the first place I thought this technological awesomeness would present itself.

Why the World Is Running Out of Helium - I find it hard to countenance that a group of supposedly educated people would be this short sighted.

Wheel Of Time Movie in 2011 (maybe) - if they do it well... this could be the most epic fantasy movie franchise ever!!!

Look For AI, Not Aliens - an insightful article about why SETI might be looking in the wrong place.

Tensions Rise Between Gamers and Game Companies Over DRM - I've mostly avoided adding my two cents to this debate. It's a touchy issue... Game companies have the right to protect their products from piracy... but what they seem to be doing is making it easier for consumers to use pirated games than real ones... weird. 

Germany To Grant Privacy At the Workplace - with the wave of proposed 'internet reforms' sweeping the planet, it does me good to see some countries trying to save the medium.

And that's it for this week... hope you enjoyed it. If you did, post a comment below (the link that says 'comments') and tell your friends to swing in and give it a look. Thanks.


The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. 

  - George F. Will

Monday, August 23, 2010

Great South Africans

I'd just like to take a little time to introduce all of you to an idea that we might not come across very often: There are AWESOME people in this country.

We've all heard about the mass municipal strike that's on the go, and while I can identify with their wishes for better pay, I can't condone the manner in which they've conducted this strike, nor the fact that essential personnel like doctors and nurses are on strike.

So where are these awesome people then? Everywhere, that where. Hospitals and Clinics have been flooded by volunteers. Regular South Africans who gave up (and are giving up) their time for free. To help out. To make sure that the most vulnerable members of our society (the sick, the old and all those who need medical care) are not left out in the cold.

Thank you! Thank you to everyone who volunteered. You are what keeps this country together, and what gives the rest of us lay-abouts hope and inspiration.

In the News:

NASA Set To Launch Solar NanoSail Into Space - so awesome to see such Sci-Fi tech getting a real airing.

7 Reasons A Zombie Outbreak Would Fail Quickly - hmm.... maybe... but I'll still keep my Zombiepocolypse kit handy, thanks.

SETI Success Within 25 Years - apparently ,we'll soon be picking up messages from E.T.

Khayelitsha Residents Stop Construction Of 100 Homes - .... unbelievable.... I can see how these people have a valid gripe with the government... but this is the most counter-productive act imaginable under the circumstances. It's as bad as when they burnt buses to protest poor transport... Madness!!

Town Gets Patent On Being the Center of Europe - aren't these patent things getting a little crazy? ... maybe I should patent breathing... or the colour blue.... 

Controversy Arises Over Taliban Option In Medal Of Honor - It may be in poor taste... but it is just a game... and if it's set in the modern conflict... who else would be the bad guy?

First 3-D IMAX Porn Movie Made In Hong Kong - WTF? I don't know about you... but I don't think I need to see a 3 story tall shlong in 3D.

I know, I missed a post last week.... *shrug* ... oops.

I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.
 -Emo Phillips

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lead SA

702, along with all their sister and parent companies, have started a new program. I think this is a great idea - it's supposed to foster a new social paradigm in SA, and that is something that we desperately need.

How is it that tiny countries like Taiwan, Japan or Israel can be such political and economic giants? It's all down to attitude... and that attitude has to develop from the ground up. No government can instill a culture of hard work and ethical attitude in it's population, especially not ours, but it can work in reverse. If we can cultivate this culture, it will force the government to act in the same way.

So what are you doing to Lead SA? It doesn't have to be big... little changes can make a difference. For instance: I'm no longer throwing my cigarette butts out the window of my car... It might not seem like much, but if everyone followed suit, there would be little or no rubbish on South African streets.

I'll let you know what else I come up with as I come up with it... but please, drop me a message with your ideas, and support this project! It's your country too!

In The News:

Microsoft's new "game" Milo - a digitised little kid who reacts to your actions and speech through Kinect... very cool tech... but not much of a game.

New Chinese Rule Requires Real Name Online - if implimented world wide - this would kill all Internet trolls... so even though China is the evil empire of our time.... is this a bad thing?

Company Builds Fast Charging Station For Electric Cars - One more thing making the technology practical.

Willow Garage Robot Fetches Beer - I need one of these... and I'm sure most of you do too.

Rats Breath Air From Lungs Grown In Lab - So I can keep smoking and they can replace my lungs when they get tarred up? Awesome.

Catch you all next week

What's the point of havin' a rapier wit if I can't use it to stab people?
           - Jeph Jacques

Friday, August 6, 2010

Educating South Africa

Education should be a major priority in this country, in any 3rd world country, but our programs seem to be plagued by a lack of proper management and, more importantly, a lack of quality teachers.

Fifty years ago the only way to combat a shortage of teaching skill was to train more teachers or increase class sizes (which also impacts on the quality of education received), but we now live in the digital age - isn't there another way?

Wouldn't it be possible to bring together the very best teachers in every subject and have them record their lessons? With (relatively) little capital expenditure, it would then be possible to provide the best possible lesson presentations to every single learner in the country.

Sure, in class-room teachers would still be needed to answer questions, discuss problems and advise students, but with this method every student would have access to the same level of quality teaching. No more inequality. No more complaints. Either learn or don't, it's entirely up to the student.

I'm sure that there are alot of holes in this plan, and I know it won't be the same as having a top-notch faculty in every school, but it's a plan, isn't it? wouldn't it be better than the current system?

In the News:

The Possibility of Paradox-Free Time Travel - OK... if anyone gets this to work, come back in time and meet me at my place, next Wednesday at 6.

Boeing Shows Off First Commercial Spacecraft - can't wait till I can afford a ticket to the moon holiday resort

Driverless Cars Begin 8000 Mile Trek - judging by the driving skills of the people I meet on the road everyday... this technology can't get here fast enough.

U.S. Navy Laser Weapon Shoots Down Drones in Test - "laser beams" ... so cool!!!!!!

Facebook User Satisfaction is "Abysmal" - As George Carlin once said, "I did not need you to tell me that...", I'll probably do a post sometime on how much Facebook has irritated me.

Whew... just managed to get the post in before the end of the week. Thanks to my gorgeous lady for reminding (reading kicking) me about it :) .... tune in next week for more of the same.

In Sanskrit, the word "ethics" is shila, which is etymologized as meaning "attainment of coolness".
 - from Altruism and the Six Perfections - the XIVth Dalai Lama